Queen’s Speech mention of tax evasion and money laundering
The Queen has announced the government’s intention to follow up on its Anti-Corruption Summit held in London last week and pass legislation to tackle corruption and tax evasion.
View ArticleNews brief, appointments: EY’s Andy Baldwin; UHY’s Sharon Witley; Russell...
Andy Baldwin has been appointed EY managing partner for Europe, Middle East, India and Africa; Sharon Witley has joined UHY Hacker Young Manchester’s turnaround and recovery team; LEA Global’s firm in...
View ArticleNews brief, people: EY’s Jeff Liu to implement GE alliance; Grant Thornton...
Jeff Liu, EY technology sector head in the USA, will implement an alliance signed between the firm and General Electric (GE) on the field of Industrial Internet of Things; Grant Thornton UK seconded...
View ArticleNews brief, AICPA tax advocacy
The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) has engaged in a number of advocacy activities during May in various areas, notably taxation and labour law regulations.
View ArticleAmerica's accountancy population counts 664,532 CPAs and over 22,940 CMAs
There are currently 664,532 licensed Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) in the USA, according to the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA). In addition, the population of USA...
View ArticleNews brief, appointment: PwC UK new chairman appoints UK executive board
Kevin Ellis who takes over as PwC UK and Middle East chairman and senior partner on 1 July 2016 has announced his executive board.
View ArticleCIPFA updates its ‘How to tell the story’ publication
The Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountancy (CIPFA) has updated its publication which aims at helping CFOs and other senior staff to present local authority financial statements in a...
View ArticleEFRAG close to appoint new president
The role of president for the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) could be soon filled by Jean-Paul Gauzès as his nomination was confirmed by the European Parliament’s Committee of...
View ArticleIAB & TA Awards 2016 nominations open
International Accounting Bulletin & The Accountant are pleased to announced that this year’s award nominations are now open.
View ArticleWealth managers at odds with their clients’s expectations: PwC
Wealth management firms’s offering is sharply at odds with what their clients expect and the firms’s future is at risk if they do not adopt comprehensive digital infrastructures, a report by PwC has...
View ArticleConference report: Accounting for leases - Radical changes for IFRS reporters
Representatives from the IASB and PwC among others, met at ICAEW's HQ in London to discuss how lease accounting changes will affect lessees, highlighting possible behavioural changes. Brian Cantwell...
View ArticleNews briefs, tax: EU inquiry and ICAS & The Times joint survey
The European Parliament has agreed to create an inquiry committee into the revelation of the Panama Papers, in a vote yesterday (Wednesday 8 June).
View ArticleNews brief, appointment: IAPA
Alphons van de Ven has been appointed as the IAPA Europe, Middle East and African (EMEA) chairman at the association’s recent EMEA annual general meeting in Vienna.
View ArticleIrish business owners worried about possible Brexit impact on Ireland’s...
Irish business owners are overwhelmingly in favor of the UK to remain in the EU as they believe a Brexit would negatively affect Ireland, a survey by HLB Ireland has found.
View ArticleIAB and TA Brexit poll: Profession wants to remain in the EU
Accounting professionals are overwhelmingly in favour of staying in the European Union (EU) according to a poll conducted by International Accounting Bulletin and sister publication The Accountant...
View ArticleIMA conference kicks off at tipping point for global management accounting...
Las Vegas, USA. IMA announced its seventh international office in Singapore and its 80,000 membership mark, at time when AICPA and CIMA create a new 600,000-strong association
View ArticleEU audit reform implementation state of play
One third of the European Union (EU) member states have implemented the EU audit reform on time, according to an analysis by the Federation of European Accountant (FEE).
View ArticleConcerns raised over lack of a harmonised European accounting framework for...
Implementation of the European Union (EU) Accounting Directive has created a fragmented accounting for SMEs landscape across Europe, a survey by the European Federation of Accountants and Auditors for...
View ArticleAnalysis: Are the Big Four ‘big enough’ for the SME market
Deloitte UK is the latest Big Four to target the SME market through the launch of a cloud-based service, but do the Big Four firms have what it takes to service the smaller clients?
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